
Training for the kite safari season

This year with the forced lockdown, I changed my training schedule. I was forced not go to the gym, so I simply started at home a HIIT training to be ready and in shape for the kite safari season. With the first kite cruise expected to be in September, I had plenty of time…

I decided I would train 30 mins per day, very intensive, with 1 or 2 days rest, according to what my body would tell me. Youtube is full of excellent trainers, and I started following a few of them in different days, to keep my schedule interesting and fun…I also started taking way more care of what I was eating and drinking (this part is also super important).

This was the program (more or less)

Day 1 – Pyramidal progression with Jordan

Day 2 – Upper body with Sydney Cummings

Day 3 – Core: 5 mins plank and 11 abs line

Day 4 – HIIT with Jordan

Day 5 – Flexibility with Cambodia

Day 6 – HIIT training alone full body

Day 7 – Core: 5 mins plank and 11 abs line (same as Day 3)

As you can see, I focused a lot on Core training, as I felt that was my weak part. All this training are very quick, never more then 30mins, but I guarantee that the pace and the intensity are really challenging.

After 4 months, i’m def in one of the better shape i’ve ever been, and i’m not stopping. I will start travelling soon in August, but I will keep my training routine (as much as I can, considering that I will be flying and moving a lot).

Let me know what you think of this training, I promise that if you will be consistent (and i’m talking 3 months minimum) there is no way you won’t be seeing results.

